GameSheet Inc.
Digital Score Sheets


How-to, what about, and does GameSheet do this, that, or some other thing. Answers to frequently asked questions.

How does the system work?

How much does it cost?

Is there Training Available?

Do you need internet to score a game?

Will the GameSheet system work for tournaments?

Does the GameSheet Scoring app only run on an iPad?

Does GameSheet rent iPads?

What are the minimum requirements for the iPads?

Can game results, standings and stats be published to our association’s website?

Does anyone have to enter the stats for the website to be updated?

Does GameSheet track career stats for players?

Can a score sheet be altered after the referee signs?

Does the coaching staff still sign the score sheet?

Can you print the completed score sheet?

Will the score sheet look like our existing paper copy?

Can the system be customized for our league/association?

How long does it take to upload a game?

How do the teams/players/coaches get into the GameSheet system?

Will this use all my data if I use a personal hotspot?

What about a player who is absent or suspended from a game?

How does the referee make notes on major penalties?

How are affiliated players (AP) handled?

Can a goal or assist be assigned to a player that is not there?

Are goalie stats available?

What about empty net goals?