GameSheet Inc.
Digital Score Sheets
How It Works
Score games with our app. View score sheets on the web. Update your website automatically.
See How It Works / 2:01
Scoring App
Score the game and capture signatures with an iPad app that's easier to use than a paper score sheet and doesn’t require an internet connection.
- Load games from a schedule or create from scratch
- Quick setup with pre-loaded rosters and game details
- Track goals, penalties, shots, shootouts and more
- Penalty and game note features for referees
- Digital signatures for coaches and officials
- Post game email with summary and link to scoresheet
- Print or download a Hockey USA / Hockey Canada approved scoresheet
Use the mobile-friendly dashboard website to view score sheets, track suspensions, generate reports, and manage your league.
- Schedule upcoming games
- View score sheets from completed games
- Sort & filter games in a multitude of ways
- Customize criteria to flag games of interest
- Manage your team's roster
- Report on leagues, seasons, divisions, and teams
- Manage access and permissions with user roles
Public Stats
Easily embed scores, schdule, standings and stats for players and goalies into your existing website for instant game results — no double entry.
- Set player stats to public or private by season or division
- Stand-alone or Embed into existing websites
- Customizae the look and feel to match your website
- Built-in search, sort, and filtering options
- Full box score for complete game summaries
- TV Mode for in-venue displays
API Access
For a deeper level of integration, our API gives machine to machine access to data stored in GameSheet.
- Fully documented REST API
- Links any system with ours
- Follows the JSON API specification
- Used by companies like MyHockeyRankings, eSportsDesk, Ramp, RSportz, and more
The GameSheet database is fast, reliable and above all, secure. It connects all of the GameSheet components and keeps your data in-sync and instantly updated across all devices.
- Secure data architecture
- Closed system not open to the internet
- Daily backups and redundancy storage
Scoring App
Public Stats
API Access
Export to PDF
For those that still like the look and feel of the 8.5"x14" score sheet, you can download and print one, or all, of your score sheets.
Custom Convenor View
Convenors review every game and it's very simple with our system; customized flagging criterion allows you to flag games so you see them first and can deal with suspensions etc. right away.
Simple, Powerful Filters
Easily find what the games you're looking for using search and filters for date, game number, team, and division. Go further by hiding games you've already viewed or by showing only games with flags.
For the ETA the adoption of GSI’s electronic game sheet was easy and very straightforward.
Its use has been the most significant item in improving our administrative system and in providing timely game results and statistics in our history.
All Shapes & Sizes
From a tiny inline league in Germany, to the largest league in Canada, GameSheet is the answer.
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Let's Talk
Save thousands of volunteer hours each season with the digital GameSheet system.
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