GameSheet Insider is a monthly look into sports statistics and trends. We go beyond the scoreboard by diving deeper into game stats to provide interesting and insightful analytics. GameSheet tracks data across hundreds of hockey and lacrosse leagues throughout North America and beyond. Check back in next month for more of the inside scoop on the latest trends and analytics.
This first edition focuses on the Ontario Lacrosse Association. Comparing data across ages of play, goals scored and penalties incurred.

There is a clear decrease in goals per game as boys get older. In contrast, penalties per game increase. The biggest discrepancy is seen at the U9 level where average goals per game are 13.8 and penalties are 6.6. The statistics begin to converge at the U15 level and average goals and penalties are almost identical at the U22 level.

Similar to the boys, there is a steady decrease in goals per game as girls get older, but penalties follow a different pattern than the boys. For girls, penalties increase from U13 to U15 and then remain steady at about 6.5/game as age increases.

Goals Scored per game, and Penalties per game were from Minor for both Junior and Senior lacrosse. Larger nets and an increased game length are obviously factors in this.
This GameSheet Insider report was authored by Luke St.John.